People are overworked and exhaustedTeam members are feeling anxious and unstable
Sense of overwhelm throughout the organization
Morale is low, taking a toll on the internal culture
Emotions are high and tolerance is lowMotivation levels have been zapped
Constant retraining and reshaping on a daily basis
Changes require longer hours and more effort
Increased chances of people making bad decisions
Decision-making gets paralyzed
Long-term projects and innovations are jeopardized
Being Resilient in the Midst of Change, Growth and Uncertainty is an experience-based virtual program to help newer managers and supervisors, emerging leaders and high potentials learn how to remain resilient while experiencing the challenges of any kind of transformational change happening in your organization.
Our programs are delivered in 2 formats:
Group coaching format over one month (cohort of 6-12)
Training format over 3-4 weeks (cohort of 13-25)
Each format incorporates bite-sized interactive self-study assignments, completed at the learner's convenience, interspersed with live virtual training or group coaching sessions and application work.
Filled with fresh curated content, self-assessments, and action planning tools, Being Resilient in the Midst of Change, Growth and Uncertainty is designed to help your leaders gain the skills needed to deal with change for themselves, their team and your organization.
Delivered on our gamified Learning Experience Platform, each learning experience includes one DISC Professional Styles assessment, social community interaction, live virtual interactive sessions, pre and post measurement and more!
Remain productive during times of transformational change
Have access to proven tools that help managers and teams build a resiliency mindset
Be equipped to handle the constant challenges of change while choosing beliefs, thoughts and emotions that will serve them more effectively
Lead successfully with the confidence to handle the daily challenges that occur
Program Dates: To be determined by your organization
Time Requirement: Equivalent to a full day of leadership development over one month.
Learn More: Contact Diane Kubal, or call 630-222-9550
Two live group coaching or training sessions
New DISC Professional Styles Assessment*
About DISC and Managing During Change and Crisis
How DISC Styles Manage Change job aid
How to Read and Support Others' DISC Styles job aid
DISC and Coping During Times of Change job aid
Gamified Learning Experience
Social community interaction
Fresh curated self-study content including videos, self-assessments, exercises, reflection questions, worksheets and more!
Blended online learning approach based on best practices to engage and motivate leaders
Pre and post program measurement data to demonstrate impact
Post-training assignments, reflection and measurement after three months
Coaching tip sheet for the participant's manager for follow up support and reinforcement
*Learn more about DISC Professional Styles:
The Resilience and Change program really hits the target for what managers need to know in such volatile times. It contains very practical ideas and techniques to help managers address their own, as well as their direct reports', reactions to change. I would highly recommend this program to any manager today!
Char K.
Diane Kubal
Call: 630-222-9550
A Product of Fulcrum Network
©2024 Fulcrum Network, Inc.
© 2024 Fulcrum Network, Inc.