TENSION: Becoming physically tense and mentally exhausted over the course of the workday.
REACTIVITY: Reacting to challenging situations with fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response.
BLAME: Blaming others or the situation for having painful emotions.
POWERLESSNESS: Resorting to alcohol or drugs to cope with painful emotions.
RELUCTANCE: Struggling to commit to a decision or procrastinating on an important project.
Your employees, managers and leaders can turn their emotional pain into perfomance gain with the TENOR Method™.
“One of the biggest benefits is stress management. Opposed to emotions being a source of stress to be avoided, now they are sources of wisdom. So you don’t have to be afraid of your emotions or feeling like they're going to get out of control, but instead, sit with them and actually encourage emotions to come forward, and then use them more effectively. It's a way of managing stress that people haven't had access to in the past.”
— Terry Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Leadership Development Consultant
In just five hours, spread out over one week, employees learn how to use TENOR to eliminate emotional stress (tension, reactivity, blame, powerlessness, and reluctance) at work and in all areas of life. In addition, attendees learn how to resolve frustration, anxiety, anger, fear, and resentment.
Delivered via a state-of-the-art learning experience platform, this course includes self-paced learning with individual written coaching feedback, social community interaction, and a live virtual training session on the last day of the program.
Program Dates: To be determined by your organization
Time Requirement: 3.5 hours of self-paced learning and social community interaction with a 90-minute live virtual training session on the last day of the program.
Pricing: Public and private cohort groups, $249 to $325 per person, see below.
Public cohort: $299 per person
Public cohort for 2 or more: $249 per person
Private cohort of 5 or more: $325 per person
Charles Jones brings a “hard science” mindset to the “soft skills” world of organization and leadership development. Analytical types (IT, finance, engineering, R&D, etc.) are particularly appreciative of Charles’ ability to tie touchy-feely concepts like “emotional intelligence” to bottom-line business results. A certified executive coach, Charles has 20 years of experience working with emerging leaders and C-suite executives across a broad range of Fortune 500 companies. He is co-author of the book, Emotional Intelligence for Stress-Free Leadership, Turn Emotional Pain into Performance Gain with the TENOR Method™.
Diane Kubal
Call: 630-548-4000
Email: dk@fulcrumnetwork.com
A Product of TENOR METHOD™
©2022 Fulcrum Network, Inc.
© 2021 Fulcrum Network, Inc.