Transitioning from a technical expert to a manager of people
Not clearly understanding their role as manager
Micro-managing and not getting work done through others
Feeling lost when managing remote employees
Not taking care of themselves and "burning out"
Overwhelmed with stress and productivity challenges
Avoiding challenging situations and conversations
Lack of confidence in dealing with people related challenges
Viewing all conflict as negative
Low competence in using a coaching approach
Not paying attention to team member social and emotional cues
The Modern Managers Leadership Series is an experience-based virtual program to help managers improve their people skills and more effectively respond to challenging situations, especially during times of uncertainty and constant change.
Our programs are delivered in 3 formats:
Equivalent to a full day of leadership development over one month
Over 3 to 4 weeks via training plus group coaching or
Using a group coaching format over one month
Each format incorporates bite-sized interactive self-study assignments, completed at the learner's convenience, including live virtual training or group coaching sessions. Click on the program skill area topics below to learn more about the program content.
Filled with fresh curated content, self-assessments, and action planning tools, Leading with Emotional Intelligence is designed to help your managers and supervisors gain new awareness and perspective on the social and emotional aspects of relationships.
Delivered on our gamified Learning Experience Platform, each learning experience includes one DISC Professional Styles assessment, social community interaction with live virtual interactive sessions, pre and post measurement and more!
Managers may attend all six program topics or create a leadership journey with selected skill areas sequenced according to your clients needs. Each skill area is equivalent to a full day of leadership development.
(Click on the topic name below to learn more and register on this page for a discounted rate.)
Program Dates: To be determined by your organization; suggested pace is one skill area per month, or enroll your managers in our 2022 public programs (see the schedules below).
Time Requirement: Combined interactive, live virtual and self-study work for each skill area, equivalent to a to full day of leadership development.
Learn More: Contact Diane Kubal, or call 630-548-4000.
As a consultant or facilitator, you can get certified to deliver our experience-based virtual programs; sign-up for any or all of the Modern Managers Leadership Series topics:
Register for any of our public programs starting March 2022
Your clients may select three to six topics for a program series that you facilitate via Fulcrum for a cohort of managers or create your own public program series
Program Kickoff | March 14 or April 4 (included with purchase of 3 skill areas and group coaching certification for $199)
Moving From Bud to Boss | March 18/April 1 or April 8/22 | $99 pp
Leading with Emotional Intelligence | May 6/20 | $99 pp
Best Practices for Leading Remote Teams | June 10/24 | $99 pp
Being Resilient in the Midst of Change, Growth and Uncertainty | Sepetember 16/30 | $99 pp
Having Difficult Conversations | October 21/28 | $99 pp
Building Your Leadership Coaching Skills | November 18/December 9 | $99 pp
90 to 120-minute live virtual group training session for each skill area or
One 60-75 minute group coaching sessions*
New DISC Professional Style Assessment**
About DISC & Managing During Change & Crisis
How DISC Styles Manage Change job aid
How to Read and Support Others' DISC Styles job aid
DISC and Coping During Times of Change job aid
How to Communicate and Collaborate with DISC Styles job aid
DISC Styles Coaching Guide
Managing with DISC
Pre and post program measurement data to demonstrate impact and after 3 months
Coaching tip sheet for the participant's manager to provide support and reinforcement
Fresh curated self-study content including videos, self-assessments, exercises, reflection questions, worksheets and tools accessible for one year after the program
Experience-based virtual learning approach based on best practices to engage and motivate learners
Social community interaction and ongoing peer support during and after each program
Gamified Learning Experience Platform with optional delivery in the "flow of work" via Microsoft Teams
Optional group coaching sessions
*Being Resilient in the Midst of Change, Growth and Uncertainty has two live virtual sessions on the first date.
**Learn more about DISC Professional Styles:
Our program skill areas focus on the latest trends for upskilling managers to engage and motivate talent in today's modern workplace.
DISC Professional Styles assessment is applied and contextualized for each skill area.
Integrate our Learning Experience Platform with Microsoft Teams for participants to access learning in the "flow of work."
Managers interact and build a support network and community of peers to connect with during and after the program.
Learning is "stickier" and happens over time, giving managers the opportunity to practice and apply new skills with peer and instructor input and support.
Personalize development plans by choosing any skill area your managers need for their individual growth.
Group coaching program includes creation of an Individual Development Plan using SMART Goals.
Access all program content, tools, and live virtual session recordings for one year after program for future reference and application.
We use an engaging experience-based virtual learning approach that modern employees prefer with brain-friendly, dripped content completed at the learner's convenience.
Flexibility enables you to choose and pay for only the skill areas you need; attend one, two, or more topics. Or choose our 3 or 6-skill area training or group coaching packages tailored to your organization, scheduled at your convenience.
Learning content is downloadable and accessible anytime, anywhere on any device, at your managers' convenience.
Our learning platform is gamified with incentives, rewards and fun!
Affordable per person fees can be paid by credit card for public programs.
Extend the learning by adding more topics such as our Leader RESET!, CAREER essentials for Managers or Awaken Unconscious Bias programs using the same experience-based virtual learning format.
Diane Kubal
Call: 630-548-4000
A Product of Fulcrum Network
©2022 Fulcrum Network, Inc.
© 2021 Fulcrum Network, Inc.